Monday 8 June 2015

Until Next Year...

From the bottom of our hearts we would like to say a HUGE Thank You to everyone who made it out this past Saturday!

It was so nice to see familiar faces from the previous swaps as well as new ones! It was so wonderful to have been a part of Hamilton's first 100 in 1 Day event, from following tweets and seeing pictures it looked like it was such a successful a positive day in our dear city.

With this being our third year hosting The Hamilton Clothing Swap, it has been exciting to watch it grow year after year. The turn out on Saturday was absolutely phenomenal. From what I could see, in between stocking the racks, you all found some wonderful pieces to add to your wardrobe! 

With your support and kindness we far exceeded our donation to N2N from last year! We raised just over $1700 and over 250 lbs of food for the N2N Food Bank. In addition, Living Rock will be receiving a very large, curated donation from us to help their at-risk youth in downtown Hamilton.

We really hope you enjoyed yourself this year and look forward to preparing for our fourth swap next Spring!

Congratulations to Denise, Karen, Michela and Shannon! You were randomly drawn to win one of four $40 gift cards from The Other Bird Restaurants. If you haven't already emailed us your information, please do so :) so we can send it out in the post!

Again, Thank You to all of you swappers! Year after year you blow us away with your kindess and great style!


HCS xx

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