Wednesday 15 June 2016

"New" Oldies

Let the countdown begin!
We're in our final days of prep here at HCS & excited to start sharing everything we have collected for you over the past few months! 
We have surpassed our clothing donation from the last 3 years, which basically means we have a plethora of clothing for you to pick & choose your favourite "new" oldies to add to your closet! 

Most of you know that we're not your ordinary clothing swap. Like previous years, your admission to the event is one non-perishable. Once you are inside, everything will be priced at $1 and any new clothing with tags will be priced at $2. 
Be mindful that we only accept cash.
So, remember your coin purse or wallet depending on your loot!

100% of all food & monetary donations are donated directly to Neighbour 2 Neighbour.
1) Remember to come early. 
2) Bring bags (we will have some on site until quantities last)
3) Bring change & small bills  
4) Shop till you drop!
5) Feel good about yourself! Treating yourself means helping others! The loot that you will score will help N2N with their amazing community programs!

Doors will be open at 9:00 am sharp. We promise you will not be disappointed. 

**Complementary Starbucks coffee and treats will be there for you throughout the swap.**
HCS xx

Sunday 1 May 2016

Around Town

It's that time of year when you start seeing our beautiful iconic posters all around Hamilton. For the past three years, it's become a signal to our swappers to clean out their closets and a reminder that HCS is just around the corner.

Keep an eye out for our poster & mark the date in your calendar! 

We can barely contain our excitement for June 18th.
Helping those in need on the Hamilton Escarpment and Hamilton Downtown while updating your wardrobe on a shoe string budget - All wins!
Help us spread the word!

Don't forget that we are receiving donations right up until the event! You can contact us via twitter @HamiltonSwap or through our email address to arrange a donation pick up.

HCS xx

Sunday 17 April 2016

New Friends Are The Best!!

With each passing year comes new friendships and acquaintances. The old, mixed with the new help shape the culture surrounding The Hamilton Clothing Swap. We are so very excited to introduce our generous sponsors, Canoe and White Elephant who have kindly offered us a helping hand for our Fourth Annual Clothing Swap event!

The two shops are a beautiful reflection of our city & we are beyond fortunate to have their support this year!

We have known White Elephant for many moons, well before they started carrying gorgeous Canadian-made clothes, of which they are highly recognized and sought after for today. When you visit their shop, at either the Westdale or James Street N location, you'll find an assortment of locally made treasures, from Bread and Butter Pottery to Rare Specimen jewellery, it's enough to make any girl smile! Their carefully curated store offers an abundance of accessories, clothing, housewares and jewellery from local and independent designers and artists.
If you haven't visited their lovely storefront, we highly suggest you do!

Since opening their doors, Canoe has become a very coveted shop within Hamilton and truly a welcomed addition to the Kirkendall neighbourhood. Upon entry you can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia, their natural and rustic environment creates a space that lets you dream big and draw on your fondest memories. Canoe prides themselves on offering heirloom pieces that only get better with age, their quality of products are exceptional, and the variety of pieces will keep you coming back to further transform your home, beauty and life. They're nestled on Locke street with always the most gorgeous shop windows, swing by for a visit!

Last, but certainly not least, the lovely people behind  Steam Whistle Brewery are generously giving away cards that offer 1 complimentary tour of the brewery to each of our swappers!

These tours are a lot of fun! Check out this video for a taste of what Steam Whistle has to offer...

HCS xx

Friday 25 March 2016

Helping Hand: HCS Picks Up Donations

Spring is the season most associated with new-beginnings, fresh starts and more importantly... cleaning, Spring cleaning to be exact. Every household goes through it, sifting through your belongings that have made their way into your life over the cold, winter months that you no longer have use for anymore.

It's satisfying when it's over but dreaded before it even begins. We get you, and understand the task at hand. HCS is here to make your life a bit easier. We offer a pick up service for your gently used accessories & garments. Out of sight, out of mind! We're here to help you and here to help our communities flourish. The two come hand in hand.

So, please keep us in mind when your sorting through your closets, basements and attics. Remember that blouse you wore when you landed your dream job? Pay it forward and let it be someone elses new beginning too.

Contact us at to arrange a pick up. It's never too early to donate!

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!

HCS xx

Friday 11 March 2016

Labour of Love

We're at it again at HCS!

Our fourth annual clothing swap is in the works for Saturday June 18th 2016 at Theatre Aquarius.
For most of you seasoned swappers, you know the drill. For those of you who are just getting know us and what we do, you're in for a treat!

Each year we collect and curate gently used clothing for the swap. We start this whole process in January (believe it or not!) so we have a wide section of styles and sizes available in June for the event. It's a labour of love sifting through hundreds of donations to accommodate not only our swappers but our specially curated donation to Living Rock for their at-risk youth population.

It brings us complete joy to host the Hamilton Clothing Swap (HCS), not only for the shear fact that we are being consciously sustainable and giving new life to garments that may eventually find their way to a landfill. But more importantly, that we are providing an avenue for these gently used and new items to be accessible to individuals who may not be able to afford them otherwise.

Let's face it, life gets expensive!
At HCS we sell our gently used clothing/items for $1 and new merchandise for $2. Last year we were inspired by 541 Barton's, Eatery & Exchange,  Button Bank and decided to infiltrate it in to our swap culture permantely. 
Not familiar with how this works? Each button is worth $1 and can be purchased by swappers when the cash out. The buttons go in to a jar and are used by others who can't afford to buy clothes.

We have a pay-it-forward attitude at HCS which means we are 100% not-for profit. ALL proceeds from the day go directly to the N2N Food Bank, which helps so many communities on the escarpment on a daily basis through a multitude of services.

If you would like to donate to this years swap, here is a checklist of items that we are looking for the Hamilton Clothing Swap this June:
  1. Women, children and men's clothing.
  2. All donations must be gently used.
  3. Accessories: shoes, purses, scarfs, jewelry, hats etc.
  4. All donations must be washed/clean.
We ask that your donations are contained in a garbage bag/box for easy pick up and transporting. We also ask that you label it with HCS so we know it's ours to pick up :)

We would like to extend a Thank You to those who have already donated for this year. We are really looking forward to our fourth annual swap. Stay tuned for more updates on the blog at through twitter @HamiltonSwap

HCS  xx